Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Songbird > iTunes. Greatest Music Player Ever.

Today I'd like to tell you about Songbird.

I made this post because I never really liked iTunes or Winamp and have finally found a long-awaited replacement. iTunes is a bloated memory/processor hog while Winamp is outdated and has a terrible look and feel. Songbird is a free open-source music player and it is the greatest. (Firefox:Explorer::Songbird:iTunes)

Why is it better?

1)It uses less memory

2)It's compatible with iPods

3)It has key iTunes features

4)It has an integrated internet browser

5)Add-ons! [Open-source + Add-ons = all kinds of great stuff]

So! While using songbird my play list was on shuffle and this song came up. If you're a person who only vaguely knows what Daft Punk music is (ie. you recognize Around the World at a party, you like the beat to Kanye's "Stronger" or Busta Rhymes' "Technologic") check this song out. You will instantly be acquainted with Daft Punk at least enough to talk about them in conversations with music snobs.

Daft Punk - Face to Face/Short Circuit

Face To Face/Short Circuit - Daft Punk

Songbird 1.0 is officially released today! Download it here: [http://getsongbird.com]

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