Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Little Wayne Sux... Here is why.

He is coming out with a rock album in April...

Straying from your style after years of success is ballsy so I give him credit for going out on a limb. I am all for artists doing something different, however, it seems eerily possible that Lil Wayne and Kanye West got together in one of their mansions and decided they would release albums they were never meant to make.

Honestly I loved 808s and Heartbreak. I love that Kanye took a break from his college theme, and I know that when he comes out with his next album (Grad School?), he'll sell a million records in a week. The prob is that it wasn't very well received by many Kanye fans despite momentous sales. If 808s and Heartbreak wasn't well received by fans, I can't imagine what this album's release is going to be like for serious Lil Wayne fans (r they serios?). I'm interested to find out if they will rally and call him a visionary, or if they will reject the album and pretend it never happened.

Kanye fans might accept an R&B pop album, but I don't see Lil Wayne fans getting into a Rock album.

His first single:

Prom Queen - Lil Wayne


  1. (savage garden + voice box)/aerosmith = Prom Queen

  2. yo real rap this is real rock rap

  3. kanye and lil wayne have just accepted the fact that rap is dead so they have no choice but to release rock and pop albums
