Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Awesome Under Rated :::: Magic Man - Real Life Color

Magic Man - Daughters

From Boston, written in France, recorded and mixed in dorm rooms. This duo grew out of spare moments and idle hours during a summer spent volunteering on different organic farms in FRANCE??? This is a great album, and they seem like legitimately good people.

Do you think this sounds like Arcade Fire + Magic Numbers?

Listen to this song, the opening track.

But only listen to this track if you have time to really listen to it.
Magic Man - Monster

They are giving away their CD, just remember to share it.
Listen to and download their 10 song album here:

Real Life Color is brought to you with the help of the lovely folks over at Arcade Sound Ltd. (http://www.arcadesoundltd.com/news.html).

(For that dude, D.W.)

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