Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Why the GOP should run the government.

A Republican candidate is ideal because:
They firmly believe in strong family values like traditional man/woman marriage to make sure our nations children grow up to be productive members of society.

They are willing to forego the immense scientific breakthroughs that stem cells could offer in order to preserve the sanctity of an unborn fetus's right to life.

They uphold nuclear proliferation by denying rogue states the right to enrich uranium, using the United State's military might to enforce this policy.

They demand that schools respect the religious rights of our citizens by allowing fair discussion of religious philosophies alongside scientific theories.

They stand strong against government intervention in business to allow the free hand of the market to guide our economy. In order to create jobs, they believe that the government should not regulate business, increase taxes for corporations or for the wealthy even if it becomes a detriment to the majority of Americans in the short term. The state of our economy over the last eight years is directly linked to these policy choices.

They will bring change and reform to Washington to stop corporate lobbyists from corrupting our political system.

They are truly patriotic. Enough to realize that sometimes we sometimes need to curtail our civil liberties in order to keep our country safe. They insist that military leaders should be given the option to use their own judgment when deciding upon interrogation methods, in order to protect our country, instead of strictly adhering to world-wide agreed upon torture laws. Without strong interrogation methods and an "if needed" preemptive military policy, the well funded and organized terrorist groups threaten our national security.

They champion relaxed gun regulation because, despite having the highest number of gun related deaths in the world, gun control only penalizes law-abiding citizens, and such proposals are ineffective at reducing violent crime.

They want to curtail national spending to reduce our national debt and lower taxes.


I tried to be as fair and balanced when writing this, using facts directly from the GOP's stated platforms, and articles from various media outlets. I hope I have convinced you to vote for McCain and Palin in the upcoming election. I am be deeply troubled by the thought that Barack Obama could be leading our country come January. Thanks and go GOP!

-Louis J. Girifalco

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